Friday, March 11, 2011

Are you a true "American Patriot"?

Consider Suicide!

Every day we hear that the greatest threat to America is a declining economy fueled by “Entitlement Programs”. So if you are a beneficiary of any “entitlement program” and love your country the best way to demonstrate that you are a true “American Patriot” is to consider suicide.

Rather than list all of the entitlement programs including corporate and congressional entitlements, I’ll just mention three of the most dangerous threats to America according to congress and the media.

Social Security:

If you or anyone you know, including your children, parents or grandparents are receiving any type of Social Security benefit including Retirement, Healthcare including Medicare, etc. please let them know how they are destroying America and if they were a true “American Patriot” they would consider suicide and save their country in this time of crisis. Don’t be swayed by weak arguments concerning earlier government promises or money paid in taxes etc..

Veterans Benefits:

If you or anyone you know, including your children, parents or grandparents are receiving any type of Veterans Benefits including disability compensation and healthcare for disabilities received in the line of duty please let them know that if they were a true “American Patriot” they would consider suicide and save their country in this time of crisis. Don’t be swayed by weak arguments concerning earlier promises, lost limbs or money paid in taxes etc.


If you or anyone you know, including your children, parents or grandparents are being treated by any life long disease or disability please let them know that if they were a true “American Patriot” they would consider suicide because we all know that their long term treatment including end of life treatment will far exceed any amount they pay for their healthcare. A true “American Patriot” would not prolong his life with expensive end of life treatment so let them know how they can help the country with suicide. Of course if they are too young or too old this patriotic service can be assumed by your doctor if he is a true “American Patriot”.

I’ve only mentioned three of these wasteful socialist programs and have already saved billions of dollars that can better be used by America for more defense and foreign aid programs to other countries.

In conclusion, if you are unable to obtain professional service from a qualified physician to assist with your early death and want to be a true “American Patriot” be sure to consider a guaranteed method so as to avoid the possibility of some non-lethal injury that might require a life support system because we know from congress and media reports that this type of treatment is most damaging to healthcare cost and of course America. Also please assure that your body is cremated so as to reduce the use of land that can better be used in corporate real estate development which of course will aid in full utilization of illegal immigrants.

If you are a true “American Patriot”, think “Plutonomy” and “New World Order”!