Tuesday, September 11, 2001

The "New World Order"!

On September 11, 1990 George H. W. Bush stood before a joint session of Congress and declared: “We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective -- a new world order -- can emerge: a new era -- freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace.” Source: National Archives.

On May 1, 2003 his son George W. Bush stood on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln for an infamous "photo op" and declared “Mission Accomplished”. Since then it is estimated that 4,430 Americans have died in Iraq and 1,442 have died in Afghanistan for an estimated total of 5,872 of which a significant number were due to what is euphemistically called “Friendly Fire”. The most famous being the Department of Defenses contrived explanation concerning the death of Patrick Daniel “Pat” Tillman who was a true American hero in and out of uniform.

“When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he always declares that it is his duty.” George Bernard Shaw  THE POLITICIAN

Like any political leader Osama Bin Laden has learned that he can achieve power by mobilizing Muslims worldwide against the United States. Initially, he used U.S. foreign policy, specifically in support of Israel, as a way to establish an us against them mindset. As in the case of Hitler, this became a valuable recruiting tool and later we filled his hand by establishing bases in Saudi Arabia. This added to his hand because now he could claim that this defiled Mecca, the most sacred site in Islam. During that time I was working for a defense contractor responsible for building those airbases in Saudi Arabia in support of the sale of F-15s and AWAC to Saudi Arabia. I first traveled to these bases starting in 1980 and this was about the same time that I started my own consulting group which included some Saudi partners. It was during this period when I was I was introduced to Salem Bin Laden. He was Osama's older brother the head of the Bin Laden Group in Saudi Arabia. He was very charming but the only thing we had in common was that we were both trying to make as much money as possible off the Saudis and that we were both pilots. It was only a brief meeting because he later died in a freak airplane crash in San Antonio, Texas. I recall at the time being told that his father Mohammed also died in a plane crash. I later found it ironic that the two most powerful men of the Bin Laden family died in plane crashes and Osama would use other Saudis to meet a similar fate. Of course at the time Osama was not even on my radar and I was simply interested in developing business interest in Kingdom for my clients. Osama wasn't the first and won't be the last political leader to capitalize on the us against them mindset to achieve power and establish a New World Order.
Adolph Hitler envisioned his New World Order in Mein Kampf.  He realized that he could not control he world and establish his own view of a Third Reich or “Empire” until he took control of his own people. Here he realized his personal gift or oratory which he used to develop one of the most effective propaganda and media campaigns in history. He used this to mobilize his people against “them” who happened to be the Jews and Communist as explained in Mein Kampf. Of course he later expanded his definition of “them” to include everyone not included in his New World Order. If you are going to establish a New World Order you first have to justify a police state to identify and eliminate “them”.

The nationalist concept of establishing an “Empire” was not unique to Germany. History is replete with failed “Empires” including the Roman Empire, The British Empire, The Ottoman Empire. In addition, the nationalist term Fatherland, Motherland, and Homeland are not unique in history. Apparently in our country the words United States or America just don’t work as well as “Homeland” in establishing that same nationalist pride that has made us so popular around the world.

Like like others before us, we first have to control our people. What better way to protect us against them than through a “Patriot Act”. What patriotic American could ever question anything with a title like “Patriot Act”? What true American could ever object to having our telephone calls and e-mails intercepted in order to protect us against “them”? What true American could ever object to having our grandparents genitals groped or electronically strip searched while traveling to visit family in the United States of America? What true American could ever object to having a cancer patient or disabled veteran remove a prosthetic device in the name of protecting us against “them”? Of course, what true American could ever object to spending trillions of dollars in the “War on Terror”? The terrorist have already won!

We have always had a history of politicians trying to gain power by mobilizing us against “them”. In the 50s we had Joe McCarthy who was famous for the phrase “McCarthyism”. Again, he and congress were going to defend us against “them”. Back then, the “them” were Communist and Jews of the entertainment industry. He died from his alcoholism but not before the lives and careers of innocent Americans had been destroyed. The question then was “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?” Today, we use the term “Terrorist Organization”. As currently used, The term Terrorist Organization could include a Muslim relief charity, Islamic Mosque or more recently Wikileaks.

The information published by Julian Assange is far less explosive and damaging than the “Top Secret” documents provided by Daniel Ellsberg during the Vietnam war and published by the New York Times. Even in view of this, politicians and right wing fanatics have called for Assange to be arrested as a terrorist and his organization listed as a “Terrorist Organization”. Some right wing fanatics have even called for his assassination. The same was said about Daniel Ellsberg when he released the Pentagon Papers. And to think that this was coming from “Richard Nixon”. Charles Colson was Nixon’s “Special Counsel” and was known as his  hatchet man and for his famous saying “When you got em by the balls their hearts and minds will follow”. Of course Nixon resigned in disgrace and Colson went to prison for his Watergate activities.

At the time Daniel Ellsberg was working as a military analyst for the RAND Corporation. As in the case of Assange the politicians jumped on the chance to create an unpatriotic villain. Unlike Assange, Ellsberg was a United States citizen. Not only was he a United States citizen but he was a United States Marine. He left Harvard to join the Marine Corps and go to Vietnam as a platoon leader and company commander with the 2nd Marine Division. He graduated at the top of his class at Quantico over a 1,000 other lieutenants. He went on to graduate summa cum laude with a degree in economics at Harvard and then on to Cambridge on a Woodrow Wilson fellowship before joining the prestigious RAND Corporation. If the government can go after a man like Daniel Ellsberg, they can go after anyone.

Clearly, I’m not trying to equate Julian Assange as a man with Daniel Ellsberg because in this regard there is no comparison as is there no comparison with the significance of documents he has released. Again, a leader has to first control his people before he can establish a New World Order and that is made more difficult when the truth keeps leaking out. Of course in the case of Germany and Russia that problem was quickly eliminated and when ever the truth started to leak out so did the blood.

Where was the Right-Wing indignation when a senior White House Official in the Bush Administration exposed the identity of a covert CIA agent to the news media for no other reason than political retaliation of an administration critic? I didn’t hear them calling for the trial of “Scooter” as a “Terrorist” or “Traitor”. In fact, George W. Bush gave “Scooter” a get out of jail free card. In fact, his boss Dick Cheney wanted him to get a complete pardon as though nothing happened at all. After all, “Scooter” did take a bullet for his boss in not exposing who ordered the leak.

Of course Dick Cheney never spent a day in uniform and worked repeatedly to get at least four draft deferments. Cheney wasn’t the only “chairborn” warrior on the right. Some of the others who never spent a day in uniform included: Jon Kyl (R-AZ), John Cornyn (R-TX), John Ensign (R-NV), John Boehner (R-OH), Roy Blunt (R-MO), Newt Gingrich (R-GA) just to name a few. I don’t have a problem with people avoiding military service for some moral, religious or medical reason. What I do object to is Right-Wing hypocrites beating the war drums for others to serve while they themselves come up with excuses why they can’t serve. Part of the Naturalization process for new citizens to this country includes a question that if the United States of America were to declare war on their native land would they join the U.S. military and fight against that country. The required answer is “Yes”. Why would we expect any less from a citizen born in this country.

The “War on Terror” can not be won as currently waged anymore than “The War on Drugs”. Thanks in part to the assistance of some corrupt U.S. and foreign officials, 90% of the drugs are making it through. How can you fight any war with a 90% casualty rate? The terrorist don’t need a 90% success rate to defeat the system. I have traveled and worked in the Middle East for over a decade and I can assure you these people are not a bunch of  ignorant goat herders. If you doubt their resourcefulness, just show me Osama Bin Laden. If Osama Bin Laden can motivate and organize a group of insane radicals to use commercial aircraft as tactical weapons of mass destruction it doesn’t take much imagination to understand that he will be able to obtain and detonate a nuclear device in the United States. If we have corrupt employees in our government who can be paid off by the drug cartels, it would not be difficult to imagine that officials in Russia or Pakistan are any different. There is an old saying: “You have the clock we have the time.”

In the United States we also need to defend our “Homeland” against “them”. Currently, according to our politicians, the “them” includes “Terrorist” and “Mexicans”. Since we have already been preconditioned like Pavlov’s dogs to accept terms like “War on Drugs” it should not be difficult to establish a “War on Terror”.   Of course we need an enhanced border fence on our southern border to defend the “Homeland” against “them”. In this case the “them” is a lot of dirt poor Mexicans who are simply looking for the “American Dream” the way my Irish Catholic ancestors did when they arrived in this country in 1830 and purchased farm land with a land grant.

When the Irish came to this country, they were subjected to the same defamatory hate filled propaganda used by Hitler against the Jews. The most obscene cartoons and characterizations of the Irish were published and it was not even noticed to post a sign saying “No Irish or Dogs Allowed” except when the railroads wanted to hire them as cheap labor to build the railroads as my ancestors did. In those days, the Irish were “them” and had to be kept out. Today, the Mexicans are “them” and have to be kept out. Of course you will say that the difference is that the Irish immigrated legally. In those days it didn’t matter if the Irish came her legally or illegally because they were not welcome and in the case of the Mexicans, legal entry is just a “straw man” to be used like Homeland Security. Besides, it’s easier to swim the Rio Grande River than the Atlantic Ocean.

“The Art of War” by Sun Tzu is taught in war colleges and corporate board rooms around the world. I guarantee you Osama has read it but unlike us, he lives by it. The French didn’t learn the lessons. We supported Ho Chi Minh against the Japanese the same way we supported the Afghans against the Russians. We are not going to be any more successful fighting the Afghans in Afghanistan than we were fighting the Vietnamese in Vietnam. 
Just in case there is some who wants to challenge my comments you are welcome to your opinion but like Daniel Patrick Moynihan said “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.” If you want to question my analysis of the facts, have at it, but don’t question my motivation. I don’t need lessons in patriotism from anyone.  

I don’t belong to any political party. I have been a democrat, republican and independent and I find them all incompetent and corrupt to some extent. You don’t have to look any further than current fiscal crisis in the Federal, State and Local governments to prove that point. I have worked in government at the state and federal levels and have a pretty good idea what makes the system work. In the Middle East it’s called “Baksheesh”. In the United States it’s called “Bribe”. I find it a little disingenuous when our government is all of a sudden surprised about corruption in Afghanistan or any other country for that matter.

James Miller was a former British MI-5 Agent working in Ireland and he said:

“It’s like layers of an onion, and the more you peel them away the more you feel like crying. There are two laws running this country: one for security services and one for the rest of us.”